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Operational Requirements & a Graded Approach

Learn about Operational Requirements, a crucial report for determining security needs of an area, building or facility. By conducting thorough investigations, identifying issues, assessing threats, and developing mitigation strategies, you will gain the skills needed to create effective Operational Requirements reports. Whether you are a security professional or simply seeking to improve your knowledge, this module is a valuable resource for understanding the importance of Operational Requirements in protecting assets and facilities.


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Course features
  • Author: DiQual
  • Level: Beginner
  • Study time: 3 Hours
  • Exams: 1
Course overview
This module describes the concept of Operational Requirements and the layered approach to security. It introduces the concept of defence in depth.
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Certification included
Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one. The skill you need to become a real professional. Learn the tools used by the world's top professionals. Boost your confidence, master the field.

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