Our mission is to provide classroom-level learning online, on your terms.

DiQual is committed to creating and continuously improving effective learning methods to diverse communities for online educational needs. We are dedicated in promoting knowledge and awareness of the demands of the ever changing industry you are in.

DiQual online courses are the best choice for everyone

DiQual packages are suitable for individuals and businesses alike, because we believe that it is essential that people can get the best education at low cost.

For Individuals

If you want to comply with training requirements, continue your own personal development or if you want a meaningful programme, DiQual can deliver the curriculum for you. 

Our courses provide individuals with these key capabilities:

  • Cost savings over classroom training
  • Own speed learning
  • Efficient and maximised knowledge transfer
  • Ensure compliance with training and personal development goal
  • Learning at your convenience
  • Paperless learning
  • 24/7 access

For Corporates

For businesses, DiQual offers the following benefits:

  • Managed delivery and record keeping
  • Readymade training module
  • Bespoke training modules
  • Reduced costs
  • Reduced liability

And, of course, your employees get all the benefits of individual learning too, such as:

  • Own speed learning
  • Efficient and maximised knowledge transfer
  • Ensure compliance with training and personal development goals
  • Learning at their convenience
  • 24/7 access

For Teachers

The DiQual Affiliate Programme offers:

  • Global reach
  • Industry recognition
  • A second income
  • And, of course, there is nothing better than sharing your knowledge

For more details on our affiliate program, and to become a DiQual teacher, please use the contact form below to introduce yourself.

Become a DiQual Affiliate

Fill out this contact form if you would like to become a DiQual affiliate.

An Ever-growing Community

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Knowledge is Power – it is the power to open new doors, head down new roads, and make positive changes in your life. DiQual is here to share knowledge and give you the power to choose your own path.
DiQual makes learning easy and entertaining. I found the format easy to navigate and the content was excellent.
Graeme Johnson
DiQual is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the format.
Rebecca Singh

Go Global

DiQual gives you the opportunity to learn or share your knowledge. Our courses are backed by subject matter experts, and if you want to share your knowledge, we have a global reach. DiQual offers exclusive educational packages that have been designed by industry professionals. Each course is packed with detailed information with no padding to fill it out. Whatever your background, or your learning style, our courses are designed to fit in with your lifestyle.

Explore our professional modules now!

Don't loose the opportunity to become happier, more efficient and more effective in your daily professional life
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