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Discovering an IED
It is crucial to have the knowledge of how to handle an improvised explosive device (IED) if you ever come across one. This includes being aware of what actions could trigger a detonation, such as the use of a mobile phone. Additionally, understanding how to properly handle a contaminated device if you accidentally come into contact with it is vital. This course provides guidance on what to do if you discover an IED or a chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR) device, helping you stay safe and informed in such a situation.
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Course features
Author: DiQual
Level: Beginner
Study time: 3 Hours
Exams: 1
Course overview
This module provides an overview of how to handle suspected improvised explosive devices (IEDs) or chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR) attacks. You will learn what actions to take if you suspect the presence of a device and what to expect during an attack.
Certification included
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