Welcome to DiQual!

DiQual offers self-paced modules in physical and cyber security, designed to provide an exceptional learning experience. The modules are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of learners and are supported by industry experts with real-world experience. Join DiQual today and start enhancing your knowledge.

The Benefits of DiQual

DiQual professionals have designed the most stimulating and motivating learning paths for you.

Pure Information

DiQual offers exclusive educational packages that have been designed by industry professionals. Each module is packed with detailed information relating to the subject matter with no padding to fill it out.

Smooth Learning

The modules have been written based on sound higher education principles to make knowledge transfer as smooth as possible. The end result is a high density training package that covers and transfers key relevant information to the learner.

Corporate Education

A white label learning platform is every training manager’s dream. Your employees know your company’s brand and identify with it. It feels like home to them. DiQual can supply your training packages to fit in with your company and it's  individual needs for education.

Course Modules

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of security training do you offer?

We offer a comprehensive suite of security training courses that cover a wide range of topics, including cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM), easy access control systems (EACS), CCTV hardware, and more. Our courses are designed to meet the needs of both beginners and experienced professionals.

Who can benefit from your training programs?

Our training programs are suitable for anyone interested in enhancing their security knowledge and skills, including IT staff, security professionals, managers, executives, and students. We offer courses that cater to different levels of expertise and job roles.

How are your courses delivered?

Our courses are delivered through an easy-to-use online learning platform that is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. You can learn at your own pace, and access the course materials, videos, and quizzes from any device.

How long does it take to complete a course?

The duration of our courses varies, depending on the topic, level of depth, and the amount of effort you put into learning. Some of our courses can be completed in just a few hours, while others may take several weeks or months to finish. We recommend checking the course description for estimated completion time.

What makes your training courses different from others?

Our training courses/modules are developed and delivered by experienced security professionals who have worked in the industry for many years. We focus on practical, hands-on learning that helps you apply the concepts you learn in real-world situations. Our courses are also highly interactive and engaging, with quizzes, videos, and practical exercises.

Why is security training important?

Physical and cybersecurity training is essential in today's digital age, where threats to organisations can come from physical and digital sources. Cybersecurity threats, such as malware, phishing, ransomware and social engineering, are becoming increasingly common. Physical threats such as theft, vandalism, and workplace violence, are still prevalent.

Effective physical and cybersecurity training can help organisations prepare their employees to identify and respond to these threats, minimising the risk of security breaches and protecting valuable assets, data and personnel. In addition, training can help organisations comply with legal and regulatory requirements for security and data protection.

Without the proper training, employees may not recognise security threats or respond appropriately, leaving the organisation vulnerable to cyber-attacks, theft and other security breaches. Investing in physical and cybersecurity training can help organisations reduce the risk of security incidents, improve the security posture of the organisation and increase overall awareness of security threats among employees.

Take your career and expertise to the next level

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